Shipping Information
All Ontario wines are shipped to you from the winery. Ontario wineries including: Broken Stone, Icellars, KIN and Nyarai will ship to you free of charge in the Windsor to Ottawa corridor with a minimum order of six (6) bottles. Wines from North 42 Degrees in Lake Erie North Shore will be shipped to you directly at a charge of $21 for the first case of 12 with no additional charges for more cases. For all other orders shipping costs are negotiable. We'll contact you.
For International wineries including: Bricoleur, Hourtin-Ducasse, Malmont, Miss Vicky and Val delle Corti wines - there will be a $15 taxable charge within the GTA if the order is under $400. We'll ship to you for free if you spend over $400 within the corridor. All other orders are negotiable.